22 Dec 2007

Once again it has been proven to me just how cyclical our habits and interests can be.

In the late '80s I was very active on the internet discussion boards - back before we really had pictures and "w.w.w" had taken over modern life. But sometime around 1994, I overcame my addiction to online political and sociological debates and scaled back my use of the internet to employment and mercantile pursuits.

However, in the last month I found myself unable to ignore my old haunts and before long my signature was seen on responses to discussions as widely varied as Korean table manners, Japanese airport security measures and speculations on FDR's moral conscience.

So far this has not interrupted daily living or even hindered my watching BBC America, IATV, AZN or History International. But I am wondering if the addiction to socio-political discourse is creeping back in to my life, or what may be even worse ..... writing essays and editorials again.

Oh, I hope this is just fueling another spate of novel writing!

Or maybe its just the mind warming up for blogging to come.

21 Nov 2007

Getting a Grip

If you have already found this fledgling blog, congratulations. You either know me personally, or you spend a lot of energy surfing for something you still haven't found.

As soon as I get a grip on how this works, I will illuminate where the Taln's Grasp reaches.