11 Jan 2008

Be careful what you wish for ....

it may come back to bite you."
I can't be the only person who grew up with that saying, and like most of us I don't always heed it's message. But I usually recognize it's presence when I get bitten.
I am not sure whether the past week has been a case of this or just some minor karmic payback.
Unlike most my age I usually embrace change. The constant shifting of my environment and interests is something I have grown accustomed to over a lifetime and would probably miss if stopped. Even the caption on the signature line of my checks stay "That which does not change STAGNATES!" Well, they did say that before I stopped using them.
No everyone is fond of changes, even when an update or revision could enhance their situation.
I can understand insisting on the status quo when some something new clearly hasn't addressed the full range of its potential impact. Change just for the sake of change is just disruptive, and often nothing more than someone stroking their own ego.

My karmic payback? Well after being very willing to revise work material I found myself bombarded this week with changes to the previous changes for the last five days! Alright people! Think it through and decide what you REALLY want, before you ask to have it changed!!!