31 Oct 2008

I have believed in Karma ever since I can remember. I think it began as an extension of early science lessons on cause and effect in nature, but whatever its source, the belief is solid and will always be a part of me.

Over the years this belief has restrained my sadistic desires when faced with various evil doers whom I would otherwise have exacted personal revenge upon. It is this consolation of knowing that those who harm me (and those who merely try), will meet their own justice in due time without my assistance that helps wounds heal. And it has been the threat of encountering that same justice that kept me from straying too far myself.

Looking back on the past month or two has cause me to ponder the question of just what karmic debt am I paying back?!?!?! I must have really done something awful to someone that I don't realize or recall, or maybe something small, but repeatedly. One serious problem after another blasted me out of any feeling of security in this life and tested my composure and resourcefulness in the extreme. Someone or some force in the universe was sending me a message and made sure it got through to me in no uncertain terms that I needed to shape up a few things in my life NOW, not when I felt like "getting around to it".

Fortunately, I have apparently banked a bit of good karma along the way, because I survived the traumas and actually feel at this point that I have come out better than before it all started avalanching on me. I discovered that I have abilities I thought were fading and friends that were closer than I realized.

So why am I blogging about this? To acknowledge to whomever/whatever - I GOT YOUR MESSAGE!!! To publicly thank those who assisted me when their help was critical. And to perhaps jog your thoughts into considering the what sort of karma you are accruing these days.