7 Feb 2008

Bandwidth Noise

Having used the internet since before the ubiquitous “ www” became part of human communications, I am a veteran of flame wars, people who do not know how (or refuse) to edit what they quote/copy, and a myriad of other aggravations of communicating with strangers in public, text based forums.

There are days when my tolerance for those who have not progressed emotionally or intellectually over the last two decades become exhausted. I know this is my penance for succumbing to the temptation to participate in any forum labeled “Soc.(anything)”, but this also my blog and my place to rant if I so choose. And yours to read … if you so choose. (Here ends the warning)

As a regular reader and sometimes commenter on soc.culture.korean@googlegroups.com once in a while it confounds me as to why people will quote 3 screens full of a post to follow it with one sentence or question about what is often only one sentence from the piece they quote. Do you not have a DELETE key?!?!? The only thing more irritating is to read several of these inane posts in sequence. Today’s was capped off by having someone ask a question that was clearly answered in the material they quoted – if only they had bothered to read past the 1st sentence they copied.

I guess you can sum up my tirade as a general angst over people cluttering bandwidth with laziness. I truly hope it’s not a matter of ignorance if they have the income to finance an internet connection and the hardware & software to use it. It reminds me too much of the major television networks in the U.S., and I won’t even begin to address how moronic much of that is these days.

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