12 Aug 2010

I just observed a coworker go to three times the effort necessary to produce a document simply because of overblown pride and stubbornness; refusing to ask for, or even accept, help of those whose purpose in being present is to perform, or at least assist, with such tasks, Rather than utter one sentence to someone who is apparently disliked, time, effort and the office resources were wasted, to produce something that was, as a result, substandard.

Though part of me is amazed at the stupidity involved, another part is reminded of how pig-headed I too can be and how truly foolish that is at times.

Why is it that we humans have such a great propensity to “cut off our nose to spite our face”? What is it that drives us to stand our ground when the overwhelming majority is against us and the issue at hand is of little or no consequence? Is it this same obstinacy that binds our legal system to value precedence over common sense when society has evolved beyond the concerns of those who created the precedence?

Sometimes one has to face the reality that when we are being intractable on an issue and citing “principle”, we are really just unwilling to change or accept that while something may not be ideal, it causes no real harm in the long run and is the best way to peacefully coexist with the other unyielding members of our species.

Now, do I give up and drive in defiance of the parking lot’s One Way signs like so many others? Or do I continue to follow the ill-planned rules, and foul my mood twice daily as I slam on the brakes in the face of oncoming drivers who stubbornly refuse to change their own habits?

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