10 Dec 2008

SOALD .... oh, please.......

With all the acronyms we are being awarded when unable to function in society as the infamous “THEY” think we should, such as ADD, ADHD, SAD and PTSD, I am laying claim to my own. I suffer from SOALD. It is closely related to the more common known SOHSD, but differs in the manifestation of symptoms.

To spare you from a frustrating search through the net (does anybody use reference books anymore?), I will unscramble the alphabet soup here.

SOHSD (Seasonally Occurring Holiday Stress Disorder) The marked increase in stress experienced by individuals in response to society's prescribed holidays. Most commonly observed in 1st world countries. Symptoms & Ancillary Causes: Excessive spending, often beyond means; marked decrease in patience with the normal time tasks require; increased guilt and/or competition to display wealth, status or other indications of perceived success and/or happiness. Other symptoms have been noted such as retail stampedes, increased thefts, insomnia due to decreased evening darkness (see outdoor lighting), obsessive list use, and inability to concentrate (see Christmas music recordings).

SOALD (Seasonally Occurring Alternative Lifestyle Disorder) The marked increase in stress experienced by individuals in response to society's prescribed holidays. Most commonly observed in ostensibly conservative communities. Symptoms & Ancillary Causes: Withdrawal from community activities and large crowds, especially those directly related to the seasonal holiday in question; increased guilt and/or denial of any desire to participate in traditional observances; increased emotional response to societal issues (warning – politics or religion may trigger uncharacteristic outbursts.); increase identification with societal outsiders (alternative religions, liberal activists, any group identified as “excluded” or “oppressed” because of their cultural attitudes.); increased intolerance with those whose actions are in conflict with their expressed beliefs, increased pedantic or oratorical discourses on cultural diversity.

Yes, people, I am one of you. One who struggles to overcome a perceived disorder that is in reality just a matter of my being a normal human being following our biologic mandate for uniqueness and individuality.

I just happen not to believe in the teachings of Christianity and despise having months of a religon-based celebration of materialism overwhelm my existence. The decorations are pretty, the reminders of the need for peace are laudable, but the price is too high! And the disconnected observance of how most Christians despoil their own holiday is even more revolting. I used be become the ranting pagan, liberal around mid-December. But the media mentioning Christmas as early as Labor Day and Thanksgiving just being a feed while waiting for the stores to open, my SOALD kicks in earlier and earlier every year.

(DISCLAIMER: This is not to say there are not true mental disorders that need treating, those people do exist and deserve help. But of those I have met who are deemed to be ADD, ADHD, and so forth, damned few have anything more than a problem with those around them being inflexible or intolerant.)

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