12 Dec 2008

They're baaaaaaack..........

In 1990 I had more PCs than people in my house and spent WAY too much time online moderating forums, running my own BBS (for you youngsters those were the local networks that preceded the web) and being a regular poster on the (all text) internet. Fortunately, I also had a geek for husband who spent even more time in front of keyboards and monitors than I did.

Eventually, real life commitments, need for sleep and lack of finances weaned me away from uber-geekdom. And life was good.

But slowly the insidious web of connections crept back into my life. A static web site, turned into an interactive one. I tamed that monster, which once again is hibernating, only to be lured into the clutches of MeetUp and Yelp. If that was not enough contagion, I then succumbed to the infectious MySpace, Blogspot, countless personal web pages and forum, and finally the great time consumer, Facebook. Now, not only do I again have more computers at home than people, I even have their offspring invisibly leashed to me - the smart phone. Of course it is SMART; smarter than me. How else would it have insinuated itself so deeply into my existence?!

I used to fear becoming the old lady surrounded by cats. No more. I think it is more likely to be mechanized beings with AI that I will be surrounded with; strangling me with wiring instead of choking to death on feline fur.

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