28 Jan 2011

Acceptable Bigotry ?!?!?!

To use Rep. Chris Smith' of New Jersey's own phrase, his bill 'No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act'—H.R. 3, is a bigotted attempt to deny women personal freedom and privacy, which most American consider basic, sacred rights. This is his own "acceptable bigotry" against women!

H.R. 3 would deny medical coverage for women who rely on the government for their health insurance, including federal employees, women in the military, Native Americans, Peace Corps volunteers and poor women enrolled in Medicaid. In addition, would effectively eliminate coverage for abortion in the private market by making it onerous for insurance companies to offer these plans and imposing new taxes on businesses and individuals that purchase them.
Even more troubling, H.R. 3 would allow public hospitals to refuse to provide a medically necessary abortion to a pregnant woman facing a life-threatening emergency. This is inhumane. Stray dogs would be given better care.

This bill is also fiscally irresponsible, as it would continue the onerous burden of unwanted children and women forced to leave the workforce on to the welfare rolls; draining our resources even faster than the cost of treatment for women under Medicaid. How could a supposedly responsible Republican be so short sighted when it comes to economic realities?!

Not only is it contrary to the stated economic aims of his political party, it is part and parcel to the heinous crime he is reknowned for working to prevent - human trafficking! He should investigate how many of the victims of human slavery start their lives. Many are the overlooked, unempowered, poor who as either pregnant women with no where to turn, or the unwanted child his Right To Life campaign aids and abets.

H.R. 3 must be stopped. It is yet another thinly disguised encroachement of women's rights to privacy and freedom by a minority faction in their fanatic drive to ban a sometimes necessary medical procedure that they, themselves, will never be forced to undergo.

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