7 Jan 2011

“Testing ….. testing….. Are you paying attention?”

As if enduring a case of the chicken pox that was worse than any military doc at Wright-Patterson AFB had ever seen was not enough of a test of my patience and endurance, now, 46 years later, it just had to let me know it was still hanging around!

Yep, the body wasn’t satisfied by emphasizing that I am aging by afflicting me with a muscle strain that runs from the base of my skull to the tips of my fingers. It just had to add Shingles for my entertainment. So now one side hurts to move or seizes up in immobilizing cramps, while the other side wriggles with muscles spasms and taunts me with an itch I can’t scratch.

Ok, Karma, just who did I wish bodily torture upon that you are returning the sentiment for?
You and my corporeal being have pretty much my full attention now!

But hopefully, not for much longer.

Did you notice I used those brain cells to figure out what was going on and find someone to help?

Yes, I know their help will not fix things completely, but guess what dear OLD body, you are in for some amusement. Those drugs you don’t like me taking because they you turn you into an inert lump of flesh - Well guess what? You are in for a round of steroid induced munching, surface and internal muscle and nerve numbing, paint you till you are all chalky pink and spend the weekend with endless movies that you will miss chunks of because you won’t be able to stay awake.

I am going to dose you well and then leave you in control. I am not going to fight to be productive. I am not going to take you out to enjoy new experiences.

Maybe you should think about at least killing off this viral pox and letting me get back to my normal crazy self, huh?

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